Admissions Policies
The following are the policies of NJUCA regarding admittance:
To provide a solid academic program, rooted in Biblical truth, with an emphasis on developing Christian leadership among students. We envision a school that prepares teenagers to be strong Christian leaders, impacting their school, communities and culture; a school that works with the home and the church to raise up teens who recognize and utilize their God-given gifts; a school that helps to train teens to defend the faith and to spread the awesome news of Jesus Christ to their generation and to pursue the career to which God has called them, standing out among society as a testimony to God’s perfect plan.
UCA admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at UCA. UCA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarships and loan programs, athletic program or other school-administrated programs.
UCA encourages applicants of good moral character with a passion for learning, variety of talents, and interests. In addition to this, all parents and students must be interviewed as outlined in this policy.
An application for enrollment is considered properly submitted when the application forms provided by UCA are completed and returned. In addition to the application fee the student’s latest report card will be needed. No child will be assigned a position on enrollment lists until the application is completed in full.
An interview of an applicant’s parents and student will be conducted by the principal. The purpose of the interview(s) is to:
The family beliefs and practices are consistent with the standards and values of UCA;
The student expresses a desire to attend UCA and agrees to live in harmony with school standards;
Academic records and/or transcripts of previous school work, health records, and references are reviewed and found to be acceptable under the standard set by UCA;
Students with a history of behavioral problems have cleared their records with previous schools and now demonstrate a commitment for a changed lifestyle in both personal testimony and character references;
Answer questions that parents/students may have regarding UCA.
Standard Admission: Offered by UCA administration to those students who meet all requirements for enrollment at UCA.
Probationary Admission: Set by UCA administration due to extenuating circumstances brought about by the student’s academic or behavioral profile. This probationary period would vary in length from one term to the entire school year. Disciplinary probation would be established due to past behavioral problems, attitudes expressed during the interview or concerns raised by references. As with academic probation, students placed on disciplinary probation will be monitored during the length of the probation period and evaluation made as to the student’s continued enrollment at UCA.